On Tuesday, we watched a movie called “Mickey Mouse Monopoly”. It basically talks about how Disney shapes children’s life by the innocent, magic images. The most impressive part for me is the concerning of gender role and race, and how children’s culture commercialized. Now, I am going to discuss those three concerns in detail.
Let’s look at the gender role first. In the beginning of Disney movie “Beauty and The Beast”, Beast dances with Beauty, the picture looks so lovely and romantic with the adorably music. However, the Beast, later on, turned to be violently and horrified. He keep yelling to Beauty and abusive to her. As an adult, when I watched the violent part, I even feel scary. How about those young children’s feeling and what kind of message they learn from the movie. In the movie, they interviewed three or four young kids to review the story. At the beginning, they play the film to the kids, and then they asked them what they would say to Beauty if Beauty is their friend and being treated like the what happened in the film. One girl answered something like I feel happy for her because she finds someone to be with, but I feel bad for her because she gets yelled a lot. At this point, I would say, girls, be careful, those kind of message is dangerous . If a girl's goal is only want to find a man to be with, so they should put up with the volient..
Besides gender role, there is another concern I would discuss is the race. In the movie, it shows a title on newspaper, it shows “It’s raciest, Hey, It’s Disney.” Also, in the movie, it mentioned about a tale called Tarzen( I am not sure about the spell), a story of a while man grow up in Africa Jungle. The interesting part in the tale is there is no black people display in the movie at all although it is in Africa. Furthermore, the image send a message to kids that the world is only exist white man, no more other races. The last point I would discuss is how Disney commercialize the children’s culture. They marketing children on the toys ads, encourage children to ask their parents to buy the toys (toy is just one of example) for them. Also, there is another part of Disney movie related to sexual message. They teach young audience to how to get what they want by using their body.
I have analyzed the gender role, race and how children commercialized by Disney movie. the only thing I would say is that those innocent and magic image is just an excuse of how Disney company making money . In other words,the considerable profit from the innocent image of Disney is the final goal from the hidden behind veil of innocence. It just like what the head of Disney Company proposed, “making money is only objective for them”. So, guys, it is not your fault if you like that innocent and magic image, but do not forget reality.
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