Friday, December 4, 2009

Team work

Since Tuesday, we have already started our final project-magazine. I was signed to be group with Erin and Ryan. At the first day, we had a great outcome. For example, the first thing we decided was to classify the theme of our magazine, which related to parents, therefore, we decide to do parenting magazine. And next step , we defined each one’s duty. The project has been divided into different parts, I was responsible for ads portion which mean I am the creative manager; Ryan decided to take editorial part, so the last part was Editor which is Erin’s reasonability. After we defined our duties, the next step we did was to decide who’s going to do analysis paper and research paper. Since Erin had the highest score among us on the research project, so she was automatically become the one who responsible for the research paper writing portion, me and Ryan will do the analysis paper. After we got the major things done, we also discussed about the other things regarding to the extra materials as well as the title of our magazine. We decide to add some recipe and game at the end, and then we also agree to list of five names on for our magazine, then we will pick the best one. In addition, we decide to meet before next Tuesdays before presentation.
It is the first time I work with Ryan and Erin since I have attended this class. Because I did not have many interactions with them during the time, I was afraid to work with them at the beginning. However, after I have worked with them at the first class and a couple of E-mails interactions later on, I realize that they are really nice and friendly as well as responsible for their work.

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