We had a great discussion this afternoon especially the last question regarding to the issue of beauty. The question is that which is more important to our society today? Outer appearances or inner essences? Every student seemed to have a lot to say so we all provided opinions on that topic. Some students agree with that outer appearance is more important, however, others think that inner essence is more imperative. For me, I agree with the later one, inner essence is important for following reasons.
The reason I think inner beauty is more important because only inner essence is the beauty will last- long. As we know all people look pretty in different ways when they young, but when they aged, they look differently perhaps more ugly than before. Conversely, If they have a good qualities in them, no matter how old they are they would never look ugly. For example, ZhaoyaZhi, who is one of superstar in my country, admired by most people? Though she is fifty years old and has three sons already, I still feel that she is the prettiest celebrity. The reason I have liked her that much is not because she is perfect beautiful, but her inner beauty. She is kind, friendly, and quite candid with people. In 2008, my country had huge disaster called “Sichuan earthquake “, so many people died on that adversity. During the time, all the famous people or celebrities donated funds to be help. However, Zhao is the only celebrity who was not only donated money, but also stayed the place for a month as a servant. Actually, there are many examples of her well-behavior stories; I will not explore all of them. However, my point here is that beauty is not only the way how we look, most importantly, it’s the way how we act. The people who have good qualities inside of them, they would be eventually rewardeded, such as the miracle in the tale,” Beauty and Beast”. In the story “Beauty and Beast”, we can observe that how essential the inner beauty of Beast is. If he did not have the inner qualities in him, he would not be able to obtain Beauty’s heart based on the way how he looked . When Beauty met Beast at the first time, she was scared and never wanted to be friend with him. When the time passed by, the more Beauty stayed with Beast, the more good qualities Beauty discovered in Beast. In the end, she changed her mind to marry Beast. Because of Beauty’s kindness that she preferred virtue to outer appearance and intelligence, the miracle happened. She ultimately deserved a fortune and charming prince who was the ugly Beast turned to be. Among those reasons above, I strongly believe inner essence is more important than outer appearance
The reason I think inner beauty is more important because only inner essence is the beauty will last- long. As we know all people look pretty in different ways when they young, but when they aged, they look differently perhaps more ugly than before. Conversely, If they have a good qualities in them, no matter how old they are they would never look ugly. For example, ZhaoyaZhi, who is one of superstar in my country, admired by most people? Though she is fifty years old and has three sons already, I still feel that she is the prettiest celebrity. The reason I have liked her that much is not because she is perfect beautiful, but her inner beauty. She is kind, friendly, and quite candid with people. In 2008, my country had huge disaster called “Sichuan earthquake “, so many people died on that adversity. During the time, all the famous people or celebrities donated funds to be help. However, Zhao is the only celebrity who was not only donated money, but also stayed the place for a month as a servant. Actually, there are many examples of her well-behavior stories; I will not explore all of them. However, my point here is that beauty is not only the way how we look, most importantly, it’s the way how we act. The people who have good qualities inside of them, they would be eventually rewardeded, such as the miracle in the tale,” Beauty and Beast”. In the story “Beauty and Beast”, we can observe that how essential the inner beauty of Beast is. If he did not have the inner qualities in him, he would not be able to obtain Beauty’s heart based on the way how he looked . When Beauty met Beast at the first time, she was scared and never wanted to be friend with him. When the time passed by, the more Beauty stayed with Beast, the more good qualities Beauty discovered in Beast. In the end, she changed her mind to marry Beast. Because of Beauty’s kindness that she preferred virtue to outer appearance and intelligence, the miracle happened. She ultimately deserved a fortune and charming prince who was the ugly Beast turned to be. Among those reasons above, I strongly believe inner essence is more important than outer appearance
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