All the final exams are coming up in the following two weeks, all of students stress out now, so do I, but I enjoyed doing the magazine project tonight. I just did some research for our magazine and the ads design. Due to the audience of our magazine is parents, I decided to utilize a picture of mother and children as the background of the ads. Then I put the product picture, which called Magic Hand Wash, under the little boy’s hands. The reasons I choose the hand wash as the product of the ads because we recent encounter the risk of H1N1 infection. Then, I also did some create elements for the ads such as the name, the words style, the features of product, and the contact information. After I completed the ads design part, I wrote one and half pages paper to explain how I designed the ads and why I choose those elements on my work. Besides, I also explained what the message I try to communicate with audiences or customers, and how they would be attracted by the ads. Despite the ads part, there are also more works I have to work on during the weekend, so I will keep researching and getting more and more ideas for the rest part . All in all, it is really a fun job for me, I am not only enjoyed it, I also believe the final outcome of our magazine would be great too. I cannot wait to see it.